Earn More, Work Less: ChatGPT’s 5 Golden Prompts

They can give you a three-day week: Five Reasons To Work Less And Get Paid More.

You can do better than Bernie Sanders’s plan to work only four days a week. In 1940, Congress changed the Fair Labor Standards Act to limit the workweek to 40 hours. Things are different now than they were then. Now that you know how to use automation, outsourcing, and abdication, you can make more money and rest more. How? ChatGPT is good. Look at what you’re doing in your business now and think of ways to change your plan.

Anyone can start their own lifestyle business if they want to. Why not check it out? Keep the same chat window open while you copy, paste, and change the square brackets in ChatGPT. This way, the context stays the same. Change one thing at a time until your whole work week is different.

ChatGPT tells you to finish all your work in 60% of the time.

Make your plan different.

It’s rare for information workers to be busy all day. Being stuck in meetings or working on things that don’t matter wastes their time. Being inefficient makes work grow. You could finish everything quickly if you split up your time managing your calendar and power. Post a picture of your calendar to ChatGPT with the following prompt, then set a goal to be incredibly busy for three days. To use this message, you must have the paid version of ChatGPT.

“Please review the attached calendar to see what I have planned for the next few weeks.” Ask me clarifying questions to help you determine which meetings or tasks are less critical or lower on the priority list. Then, suggest other times when these could be rescheduled or given to someone else so I can keep blocks of time for high-value work and strategy planning. Mark any obligations that might not be needed or helpful anymore as well. Ensure I always pay attention to the most important jobs and responsibilities every time I send an updated calendar: [Attach your calendar, making sure to erase any private or identifying information].”

Look at the sales data.

You could make the same amount of money with 60% less work if you used your brain. How? Look at your sales information. Find the parts of what you offer that are more valuable and take less effort. Focus on the things that give you the most benefits and stop doing the others. There will be a better way to make money; you have to find it. If you’re selling programs that don’t make money or goods that need extra convincing, think about quitting. Use this question to look at your sales data and find ideas and suggestions you can try today.

“Consider yourself an expert in business and review these sales numbers.” Your job is to find my higher-value, lower-energy sources of income. Ask me clarifying questions to learn more about how much time and work each part of our pay takes. After that, show me what you found and tell me how I could make more money while working 60% less: [Upload sales data file, making sure to remove any private or sensitive data].

Make your documents better.

It gives you more time to do other things when your customers can use your product or service without your help. If you’d instead not work, you can. The problem is that you need to learn more about your offering. You know the hacks, tricks, and ways to get around things. You’re not seeing it the way they do. It would be best if you made sense of all the questions they’ve asked you. Use this as a cue to improve your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This should be their first stop.

“Be an expert in customer service and make a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to answer my customers’ most common questions. This will keep them from having to email or call me.” Look at my current Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), the content of my home page and services page, and the email questions I’ve gotten to make a list: Insert background information, such as FAQs that are already online, website text, and questions that customers have sent you through email or social media.”

Learn more about your business.

You can use Pareto’s Law to explain your work. Eighty percent of the results you get for people are probably from twenty percent of what you do. Learn more about what your customers want to figure out, which is 20%. This question will help you understand what problem your business fixes for them by putting yourself in their shoes. Do this well so your goods, marketing, and customers all work together and rave about you.

“I’m testing the idea that I can make more money in less time by solving fewer problems for my customers better.” My ideal customer faces these problems: [tell your customer’s problems in detail]. My product/service is meant to help them by explain how you help your customers. By comparing the problem and the solution, please give me a list of the issues in order of importance and let me know which ones I should ignore in my marketing or solutions.”

Plan your writing.

Making content takes a lot of time, and it’s essential to do it well. I need more than typing a few questions into ChatGPT and sharing the first thing that comes up. That’s not good enough for you. To get ahead, plan for your ideas and teach ChatGPT to write like you. Also, learn from LinkedIn pros how to write content that gets people’s attention. Do a lot in an hour of power and then take the rest of the week off.

“Make a social media plan for my content as if you were in charge of social media.” Make it last for number days on platforms, like LinkedIn and Instagram], and give me a theme or post style to use every time I post based on the problems my target audience and product/service are having. I was hoping you could list five post ideas I could write about that fit each theme.

ChatGPT tips for a three-day week will help you do less work better.

You might only need to spend a little time at your computer. Instead, you could spend your time outside having fun, seeing new places, and coming up with major business ideas while you relax and think. This would reduce your work to the most important things and get the basics done in 60% less time. Don’t lose money; devise a new plan to make more with less work.

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