Let’s Get Started
Many of us entered 2017 hoping that this year would bring about positive changes in the way we manage both our careers and our finances. The year is more than halfway over and for many of us, things are still the same. Perhaps our careers have stagnated and the Company we are engaged with, no longer presents an opportunity for growth. Perhaps we find ourselves living someone else’s dream and believe it’s time for major changes. Some of us are reflecting on 2016 and are disappointed that we failed to save any money and the retirement plan we intended to start is still just a plan. At yourcareerplace.com, we want to become your partner and the place you come to seek the answers for those difficult decisions and challenges. Through my weekly blog posts, I will share knowledge gained through many years of experience both as an executive and a career coach, I will also seek to bring you options and opinions that could make a real difference in your success story. In this quickly changing world, business as usual doesn’t work anymore. Job seekers must learn to use technology effectively and those with jobs must learn how to stay relevant. All of us must learn how to better manage our money and our time. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas with you and hearing from you about topics you’d like me to discuss. On Friday August 4th, I will be hosting my 1st Webinar, “Developing a Resume Strategy.” Developing the ability to write compelling resumes may be a great place to start making those changes.