Welcome to Your Career Place

I have enjoyed a long career in the technology space. My experience includes serving in Vice President roles with seven different semiconductor companies before founding my first startup.  I have been blessed to have enjoyed my chosen career, and have become passionate about sharing what I have learned with others.  At Yourcareerplace.com, I have been joined by a team of seasoned professionals to create a web community THAT CAN MAKE A REAL IMPACT on helping our members traverse the challenges of their chosen careers.  We will not only teach you how to find a job, we’ll be your resource to help you deal with the issues and decisions that can become inflection points for your career and life.  Some of these issues will have financial impact and therefore we believe it is also important to provide support that enables you to better manage your finances to prepare for whatever challenges you face and eventually become able to comfortably retire.  In future blogs, it is my intention to educate, motive and sometimes challenge you.  I look forward to a long and successful relationship that will give you both confidence and a competitive edge.