Archive Posts
Achieve Post
Come Claim Your Gift! seeks to be your partner as you go through career transitions and seek to enjoy the benefits of career growth. We have already provided and archived many wonderful webinars to help you find your next job, develop leadership skills and if it is your ambition, take the entrepreneurial plunge. There is, however, one other […]
It’s Time For A Decision
As 2017 draws to a close, it’s a good idea to take an honest look at your career progress. Have you met the goals that you set for the year or has another year gone by without any real measurable career growth. While you are taking the time to make this evaluation, it’s also a […]
Beginning Your Job Search
You recently either made the decision to find a new job or you had that decision made for you. Either way, it’s important to understand that the job search process should be treated as if it were a job. To begin with, you must develop a job search plan. That plan should first define the […]
Welcome Howard!
On October 19th will be hosting our 14th event since going live on July 28th. As a reminder, past Webinar and Office Hour broadcasts are available to members 24/7 under archived events. I am extremely excited about our upcoming Webinar, “Moving From Contributor To Leader” because it will be presented by my good friend […]